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Roshin Prasad

Mern Stack Developer / C-Ethical Hacker / Wayfarer


Node Ecommerce Website - www.swaroin.online

This project involved creating a user-friendly interface that allowed customers to browse and purchase products, while also providing the necessary tools for managing the back-end of the website.The project was designed to be highly scalable and adaptable to changing business needs, with a focus on providing a seamless user experience. I utilized the latest web development technologies to ensure that the site was responsive, fast, and secure, while also providing advanced features such as search functionality, shopping cart management, and order tracking.


TO-DO Task Manager -swarotodo.netlify.app

This React to-do app i created is a task management tool. With the app, users can create, edit, and delete tasks. Built with React.js for a smooth user interface. Overall, it provides a seamless and intuitive experience for efficient task organization.



About me

As a MERN Stack Developer and C | EH, I am passionate about creating innovative and secure web applications that meet the needs of businesses and consumers alike.With my expertise in MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) stack development, I have experience in building scalable and responsive web applications that offer an intuitive user experience. I have worked eCommerce projects, Management systems, which have given me an in-depth understanding of the full web development lifecycle, from design to deployment.

In addition to my skills as a MERN Stack Developer, i am also equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that the web applications i develop are secure and protected against potential threats. I am well-versed in security best practices, including network security, application security, and data protection, and I always prioritize security in my development work


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